To watch a meeting recording, please click on a meeting date from the list and enter the corresponding password (shown next to the date).
While we hope these meetings continue to be a source of learning and growth, we ask you to please be mindful of the RCRLN communication protocol:
The Network successfully creates a space for the sharing of sensitive information because of our collective commitment to engaging in and modeling respectful communication based on resilient listening, thoughtful questioning, and empathetic action. While the Network encourages attendees to share the content and information learned at our meetings, we also expect the privacy of individuals’ comments to be respected.
If you have questions or concerns about using information shared during any of these meetings, please contact us at or 317-327-3860.
- January 8 | Rcrln010821
- February 5 | Rcrln020521
- March 5 | Rcrln030521
- April 9 | Rcrln040921
- May 7 | Rcrln050721
- June 4 | Rcrln060421
- June 18 | Rcrln061821
- July 9 | Rcrln070921
- August 6 | Rcrln080621
- September 3 | Rcrln090321
- October 1 | Rcrln100121
- November 5 | Rcrln110521
- December 3 | Rcrln120321
- January 7 | Rcrln010722
- February 4 | Rcrln020422
- March 4 | Rcrln030422
- April 1 | Rcrln040122
- May 6 | Rcrln050622
- June 3 | Rcrln060322
- July 8 | Rcrln070822
- August 5 | Rcrln080522
- September 2 | Rcrln090222
- October 7 | Rcrln100722
- November 7 | Rcrln110422
- January 6 | Rcrln010623
- February 3 | Rcrln020323
- March 3 | Rcrln030323
- April 14 | Rcrln041423
- May 5 | Rcrln050523
- June 2 | Rcrln060223
- July 7| Rcrln070723
- August 4 | Rcrln080423
- September 1 | Rcrln090123
- October 6 | Rcrln100623
- November 3 | Rcrln110323
- January 5 | Rcrln010524
- February 2 | Rcrln020224
- March 1 | Rcrln030124
- April 5 | Rcrln040524
- May 3 | Rcrln050324
- June 7 | Rcrln060724
- July 12 | Rcrln071224
- August 2 | Rcrln080224
- September 6 | Rcrln090624
- October 4 | Rcrln100424
- November 1 | Rcrln110124
- January 10 | Rcrln011025
- February 7 | Rcrln020725
- March 7 | Rcrln030725